The Mzansi Tenors is the brainchild of Sipho Fubesi. Mr Fubesi returned to South Africa to lecture music at UCT after singing opera around Europe for many years. Mr Fubesi was blown away by the talent of his students and knew he had to create an opportunity for them to perform regularly. He knows how important it is for a musician to perform and share their music but he also wanted to create opportunities for these young musicians to earn an income. Many of whom come from disadvantaged backgrounds and are struggling and if he achieves this, it will not only change these young men’s lives but give hope to South Africans to follow their dreams and with commitment, passion and hard work anything is possible. It was this that led Mr Fubesi to hand pick 10 of the best Tenor voices and start the Mzansi Tenors. A proudly South African tenor group perform a variety of styles in a truly South African way.